British national Sheree unites with biological mother in Sri Lanka

British national Sheree unites with biological mother in Sri Lanka

The thought of not seeing your mother for a week scares you. But Sri Lankan-born British national Sheree Atcheson, the uniting with her own mother remained a dream for a long time. And that dream came true today, November 15.

It was an emotional time not only for her, but for all the viewers at home as well.

Sheree Atcheson was adopted by an Irish couple when she was only three weeks old. Her search for her birth mother started a couple months back. She refers to the time thus: “It seems like I have searched her for years.”

The News 1st team helped in the search for her mother and finally found “Dingiri Amma.” DNA were matched and things came through sooner than anyone could have ever thought.

Sheree landed in Sri Lanka yesterday, November 14, and arrived to the premises of News 1st not knowing that she would see her mother that instance.

However, the News 1st team gave a surprise. For Sheree as her mother walked in and she couldn’t believe her eyes. She did what any daughter who has not seen her mother for 26 years would do. She ran into the arms of her mother. It was a moment of instant warmth and the love in their eyes were evident. Looking for warmth, through all those tears of joy.

Sheree’s birth mother asked for understanding from her, “I didn’t have a choice. I couldn’t raise her up. I was struggling.”

“I understand why she did what she did. Look at the outcome of it. I am in a better place and I have a good career. What she did was not wrong it was the suitable decision for that time”, said Sheree Atcheson.