Central PC term of office expires today

Central PC term of office expires today

The term of office of the Central Provincial Council will terminate today (08) and it will be subjected to the administration of the governor.

Terms of office of North-Central, Eastern and Sabaragamuwa Provincial Councils have ended last September while the terms of office of North-Western and Northern Provincial Councils are due to expire on 10th and 25th October, respectively.

Meanwhile, Southern, Western and Uva Provincial Councils will have their terms of office terminated on 10th and 21st April and 8th September next year, respectively.

However, the government has not reportedly taken any final decision regarding holding elections of the provincial councils that have already ended their terms of office.

The Report of Delimitation Committee on Delimitation of Electorates in Provincial Councils will be handed over in a few days, as delimitation of electorates in provincial councils is currently in progress, according to one of its members.

The Committee recently obtained the opinions and suggestions of the party leaders regarding the delimitation of electorates in provincial councils.

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