Farmers expressed thoughts stating that the rulers should “open their eyes on real issues and forget about forming governments, forming Pradeshiya Sabhas and taking over power, and urged rules to “focus on working for the farmer”.
Distress calls are being made from farmers in the Ampara District, which is responsible for the supply of a majority of rice to the country.
Farmers in the district state that there are seven MPs in the Ampara District representing the UPFA, UNP and Mahinda. Furthermore they say that this is the current situation in Ampara. According to our correspondent, a fertiliser scarcity is also prevalent in many parts of Anuradhapura.
Director of the National Fertiliser Secretariat, Ajith Pushpakumara states that there is an abundance of fertiliser in areas which were affected by the drought, and are yet to begin cultivation.
He further stated that thereby, priority would be given to areas which have already begun cultivating. He added the scarcity in the world market as a key reason for the current situation.
Ajith Pushpakumara went on to note that a decision has been taken to change the main supplier, from China to Pakistan, and added that the next stock of fertiliser of 38,000 metric tonnes would arrive in the country within four days.