COPE, COPA to get more powers

COPE, COPA to get more powers

Leader of the House Minister Dinesh Gunawardena in a special statement delivered in Parliament yesterday (20) said that an Amendment to the Standing Orders of Parliament would be tabled soon to increase the powers of the Committee on Public Accounts (COPA), the Committee on Public Enterprises (COPE) and others.

He noted that currently these Committees are only mandated to issue reports, but he said that these Amendments would be brought in to empower these committees further, in order to enable them to go beyond merely issuing reports.Gunawardena further said, “I am making a special statement on behalf of the Government.

The Government of today or next Parliament will submit to you an amendment to the Standing Orders of Parliament to give more powers to the Committee on Public Accounts, the Committee on Public Enterprises and other Committees. At present the Chairmen of those Committees render great service and traditionally submit a report to Parliament. There is no going beyond that.

Therefore, the Government will submit a draft to authorise them to go beyond merely issuing reports.”