Sri Lanka Tuesday reiterating its commitment to the UN-recommended two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict where Israel and Palestine live side by side in peace said for a durable solution to the Palestine question, it is imperative to recognize the legitimate and sensitive security concerns of both Palestinian and Israeli peoples.
“Indiscriminate provocative actions as well as disproportionate reactions against unarmed civilians will only make realizing enduring peace a distant reality,” Sri Lanka said delivering a statement during the general debate on Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories at the 37th Session of the Human Rights Council.
Full text of Sri Lanka’s statement:
Mr. President,
Sri Lanka wishes to thank the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, the High Commissioner, and the Secretary – General for their reports to the current session, providing an update on the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
Mr. President,
Sri Lanka has held the consistent position that the Palestinian people’s legitimate right for statehood, and the opportunity to benefit from the natural resources in their territory must be upheld. However, the reports submitted to this Council highlight a disturbing trend in the extraction of natural resources in the OPT. We recall in this context, the ‘Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights’ endorsed by the Human Rights Council (in resolution A/HRC/17/4) and reiterate the need for respecting them.
The ongoing economic blockades, acceleration of settlements, lack of access to essential services such as health care, welfare services, educational facilities and basic infrastructure, movement restrictions, and the existence of a coercive environment hinders the socio-economic rights of the people under occupation. In this context, Sri Lanka notes with appreciation the considerable humanitarian work carried out by the UN agencies in the OPT, in particular the UNRWA and OCHA, which continue to provide lifesaving and critical assistance to the Palestinians.
Mr. President,
Sri Lanka believes that, for a durable solution to the Palestine question, it is imperative to recognize the legitimate and sensitive security concerns of both Palestinian and Israeli peoples. Indiscriminate provocative actions as well as disproportionate reactions against unarmed civilians will only make realizing enduring peace a distant reality.
Sri Lanka stands by its position that it is only by realizing the vision of two States living side-by-side in peace, security and mutual recognition, with Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and Palestine, with all matters resolved permanently through negotiations, that the legitimate aspirations of both parties and sustainable peace can be achieved. In this regard, the viability of the Two-State solution will depend on the internal unity and reconciliation among the Palestinians, as well as on confidence building measures by both Israel and Palestine.
Thank you.