Four proposals from Patali to solve current crisis

Four proposals from Patali to solve current crisis

Former Minister Patali Champika Ranawaka held a special press briefing yesterday (03) and presented several proposals, in order to find solutions to the current crisis the country is going through.

The 43 brigade headed by the MP has put forward 4 proposals to be agreed and accepted by everyone within the next week, in order to form an all party government.

1. To pass the 22nd constitutional amendment at the optimal level, by reaching a broad alliance and a single platform.

2. The leaders of the parties and independent groups in the parliament to establish a decision-making council on the policies that have been prepared.

3. Accepted professionals to be appointed as heads of important institutions. An interim common program should be prepared.

4. Within 24 hours after President Gotabaya Rajapaksa leaves office, Parliament should be given the opportunity to appoint a new President.

(courtesy NewsWire)