By Swadesh Roy writing from Dhaka
The main political party and the ruling party of Bangladesh, Awami League, is enjoying the state power consecutively for eleven years. In a third world country, when a political party enjoysthe state power for a long time, some problems arise. In most of the cases, its party organization is affected by the dishonest and opportunist people. Even if it is a communist party, it also suffersfrom this kind of problems. As an example, West Bengal, a province of India was ruled by the communist alliance at least for three decades. But their ending was doleful, the party not only lost the election shamelessly but also their party structure was broken like a house of cards. Similarly, the Congress Party of India by the leadership of Sonia Gandhi enjoyed consecutive ten years of power. As a leader, Sonia Gandhi was honest and her nominated Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was also an honest person. Even, the son of Sonia Gandhi and the then General Secretary of All India Congress Party is also recognized as an honest person. But after the election of 2014, Congress could not achieve the status of the opposition party in the Indian Parliament. Same thing also happened after five years. The reason was also the affected party structure and corruption of party leaders.
No doubt, there are thousands of examples like this in the third world’s power politics. After entering in the consecutive third term within seven months, the President of Awami League and Prime Minister of Bangladesh has started to reconcile her party for protecting the normal fate of the third world’s long term power parties. She started refining her party organizations. At first, she changed the President and the Secretary of her student wing; they were alleged for bribery in a university development work. Last three or four decades, this type of bribery by the student leaders is a normal feature in Bangladesh. Sheikh Hasina is the leader who took the action against it and moved the wheel towards opposite direction to stop this unholy culture. When Sheikh Hasina started it, most of the people of Bangladesh thought that it was an incident; nobody could understand she was going to refine her party structure. In fact, within a week the main bulldozer of Sheikh Hasina appeared in all sister organizations of her party. The Elite Police arrested many of the leaders of her organization named Youth League. Simultaneously, she removed the party President of the Youth League and the President and Secretary of two other sister organizations named Secchasebok League (Volunteer League) and Krishok League (Farmer League).
Under these circumstances, she arranged the council of those three organizationswithin a month; which President and Secretary were named. She chose new leaders for those three sister organizations. She selected a western educated soft spoken and very honest professor for her youth organization that was appreciated very much in the society and among the youth. Social forum like Facebook and Twitter users appreciated the young leader with a high expectation. It proved that she has changed something which was expected by the new generation. Simultaneously, common students want a change in the student politics. They are not highly happy only with the removal of the President and Secretary of the student organization of the government party. It is high time for Bangladesh to change or start a new student politics. Bangladesh has a long and bright heritage of student politics. It was necessary for creating an independent country, Bangladesh, by overthrowing the military government for establishment of a democratic government. It was the time from 1960’s to 1990’s but in the 21th century, Bangladesh is very much a part of global village and all the college and university students are the citizen of this new globe. On the other hand, Bangladesh is now a middle income country. It is also a rising economy of Asia.
With this object,the students of Bangladesh want a modern politics which will help them to become the leaders of upcoming world. During 60’s to 90’s in Bangladesh, leaders meant political leaders. Now the scenario has totally changed. The country needs leaders in so many sectors such as Sports to Drama, Business Executive to Editor, and Entrepreneur to State Executive etc. So, the new student politics has to be more new dimensional. Sheikh Hasina as an experienced world leader has to start this new dimension of student politics which will make the leader in various sectors for developing the country as a part of the new globe.
Even that new drive of Sheikh Hasina for reconciling her party and wipe out corruption inside the party also appreciated by the common people. In fact, it is also applauded by the people who are not the supporter of her party. But they are very cautious and keenly observing at the end of it. Their opinion is that the sister organizations are also important but it depends on how Sheikh Hasina change her core party leadership from the grass root and centrally. Now, it is clear before the central council which will be held on 21-22 December, all the grassroot level council will not be completed in the entire country. It is one of the main failures of her party leadership and only some who are responsible for doing this. Besides this, some of the grassroot organization leaders are one of the main problems for tarnishing the image of her party because in their area they are the representative of Sheikh Hasina. The commongrassroots people see the real face through their faces. Basically, the mouse never can see a lion, it only sees cat. This time, not a cat, a lion is standing in front ofa mouse. So, these cats are damaging the role of the lion, Sheikh Hasina. For this reason, if Sheikh Hasina has to reveal or reconcile her party’s total image, she needs to reorganize her grassroots party leadership in many places around the country. On the other hand, Sheikh Hasina can think that she will reconstruct her party from the grassrootslevel by declaring new leadership and those will come through the central council which will be held on 20-21 December. It may be good for her because if she can bring clean image leadership through this council, they will do more efficiently and honestly for reconstructing the grassroots organization. Conversely, one kind of vested interest might grow with some present central and grassroots leaders.
Under the circumstances, the upcoming central council is the most important to Sheikh Hasina. For making a crystal clear party organization, deduction of the corrupt and opportunist leaders and choose or elect the educated, capable and honest leaders is the first and foremost priority.
In conclusion, after eleven years of consecutive power, this central council of Awami League is not only mandatory thing for their party constitution but also it is crucial to set up new honest leadership for Awami League and through this council saving them or the party from a future worst debacle.
Swadesh Roy, Senior Journalist, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is a highest state award winning journalist and can be reached at
Courtesy- slguardian