The Gazette for the establishment of the second Special High Court for trials of bribery and corruption and highly complex financial crimes has been published on Friday (07).
According to the Extraordinary Gazette notification 2087/92 issued on September 07, the Second Permanent High Court will be set up at the Hulftsdorf Court Complex in Colombo 12.
Minister of Justice and Prison Reforms, Thalatha Athukorala, with the concurrence of the Chief Justice, in terms of the powers vested in her under the provisions of subsection (1) and (a) of subsection (1) of the Judicial Act Act No. 2 of 1978 has approved by the gazette notification to increase the number of permanent High Court Courts by one and the place to be established is to be Colombo.
The first permanent Special High Court was formally established on 21st August at the Hulftsdorf Court Complex in Colombo 12.
The Judicature (Amendment) Bill enabling the establishment of the three-member High Court to hear large-scale crimes and bribery and corruption cases passed in parliament with a majority vote on 9th May. The Speaker signed the bill on 18th May enacting the Act.
The first Special High Court would hear cases daily to expedite the proceedings. It will comprise three, 3-member panels of judges appointed by the Chief Justice. Powers have been vested in the Chief Justice to decide which cases to be heard and on appointing the judges.
Minister of Justice and Prison Reforms Ms. Thalatha Athukorala told ‘Dinamina’ that the establishment of the second Special High Court would be expedited and authorization had already been received in this regard.